
Our Mission Statement

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Contact Us

  • 1-779-333-67992
  • info@industrybusiness.com
  • 3042 Rotterdam, Netherlands; Van Noortwijcksingel
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Mako Subsea Consulting’s engineers and subsea specialists have extensive experience will all types of subsea technology interventions, including:

  • Choke Replacement
  • SCM Replacement
  • Chemical Metering Valves
  • Hydrate Remediation
  • Hydraulic & Electrical Flying Lead Replacement
  • Flowline & Well Jumper Replacement
  • Umbilical Line Plug Remediation
  • Casing Tubing Leak Repair (Seal-Tite)
  • Flowline & Umbilical Decommissioning
  • Temporary & Permanent Well Abandonment
Subsea Technology